URL simplified for you

URL or Uniform Resource Locator is simply put an address of resource (or file) on the web. It is a combination of:

  • The protocol used to reach the file
  • The Domain Name of the server
  • The location of the file in the server. (Note this may not be the actual location of the file)
  • The file name
  • Other than this the URL may also contain GET request variables and their values.

Out of these only, the Domain name and protocol are must in any URL rest are optional and some URLs may not have them. For example in the current URL:

Click image to enlarge it

The Protocol used is Http(Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)
The Domain Name of the server is http://webdevelopmentbasicstuff.blogspot.in
The file location is /2017/05/.
The file name is "url-simplified-for-you.html"
This means that on the server webdevelopmentbasicstuff.blogspot.in you are accessing the file "url-simplified-for-you.html"
Here we have no GET request variables.

However, it is not necessary that this file is saved as it is on the server or in the given path. That all depends on the server logic. In fact, sometimes the file is not even saved, it is being generated as you request for it.

One thing you can be sure of is that every time you type in this URL you should reach this file. Unless this file is deleted or the server is shut down or moved to some other Domain.
